Experience Allgäu
The Allgäu in all its diversity with its many recreational opportunities. Roaring streams can be found, for example. in the Breitachklamm near Oberstdorf, in summer as in winter an especially fascinating experience.
It is more quiet in the Eistobel in Isny and you can completely relax on the lakes in the vicinity, such as at Herrenwieser Weiher, at the Eschacher Weiher, at the Öschlesee or at the Rottachspeicher.
Hiking also includes little breaks.
Where you can best have picknick or breaks, visit the following page: www.allgaeu-picknick.de
You love the unique nature of the Allgäu or the royal palaces, then simply combine them on a trip to the castle Neuschwanstein.
Or take a trip to the Pfänder and enjoy the view over Lake Constance. On a clear day, this is an unforgettable experience.